This Acceptable Use Policy document, including the following list of Prohibited Activities, is an integral part of your Hosting Agreement with SaferHOST. If you engage in any of the activities prohibited by this AUP document SaferHOST may suspend or terminate your account.
SaferHOST’s Acceptable Use Policy (the “Policy”) for SaferHOST Technologies Services is designed to help protect SaferHOST, SaferHOST’s customers and the Internet community in general from irresponsible or, in some cases, illegal activities. The Policy is a non-exclusive list of the actions prohibited bySaferHOST. SaferHOST reserves the right to modify the Policy at any time, effective upon posting.
Prohibited Uses of SaferHOST Systems and Services:
1. Transmission, distribution or storage of any material in violation of any applicable law or regulation is prohibited. This includes, without limitation, material protected by copyright, trademark, trade secret or other intellectual property right used without proper authorization, and material that is obscene, defamatory, constitutes an illegal threat, or violates export control laws.
2. Sending Unsolicited Bulk Email (“UBE”, “spam”). The sending of any form of Unsolicited Bulk Email through SaferHOST’s servers is prohibited. Likewise, the sending of UBE from another service provider advertizing a web site, email address or utilizing any resource hosted on SaferHOST’s servers, is prohibited. SaferHOST accounts or services may not be used to solicit customers from, or collect replies to, messages sent from another Internet Service Provider where those messages violate this Policy or that of the other provider.
3. Running Unconfirmed Mailing Lists. Subscribing email addresses to any mailing list without the express and verifiable permission of the email address owner is prohibited. All mailing lists run by SaferHOST customers must be Closed-loop (“Confirmed Opt-in”). The subscription confirmation message received from each address owner must be kept on file for the duration of the existence of the mailing list. Purchasing lists of email addresses from 3rd parties for mailing to from any SaferHOST-hosted domain, or referencing any SaferHOST account, is prohibited.
4. Advertising, transmitting, or otherwise making available any software, program, product, or service that is designed to violate this AUP or the AUP of any other Internet Service Provider, which includes, but is not limited to, the facilitation of the means to send Unsolicited Bulk Email, initiation of pinging, flooding, mail-bombing, denial of service attacks.
5. Operating an account on behalf of, or in connection with, or reselling any service to, persons or firms listed in the Spamhaus Register of Known Spam Operations (ROKSO) database at
6. Unauthorized attempts by a user to gain access to any account or computer resource not belonging to that user (e.g., “cracking”).
7. PMTA Your need to Purchase License from port25 Officially Website. We Just Setup Software Include our SMTP Pack.
8. If we saw any risk transition payment. This time we send mail for verification. But if client not response mail or if not reply this mail with verification. This time we are not delivery this order if anytime user contact us or if you got charge back this time we should delivery this service. but won’t offer for refund any amount.
9. Knowingly engage in any activities designed to harass, or that will cause a denial-of-service (e.g., synchronized number sequence attacks) to any other user whether on the SaferHOST network or on another provider’s network.
10. Using SaferHOST’s Services to interfere with the use of the SaferHOST’s network by other customers or authorized users.
11. Obtaining or attempting to obtain service by any means or device with intent to avoid payment.
12. .Unauthorized access, alteration, destruction, or any attempt thereof, of any information of any SaferHOST customers or end-users by any means or device.
Customer Responsibility for Customer’s Users
Each SaferHOST customer is responsible for the activities of its users and, by accepting service from SaferHOST, is agreeing to ensure that its customers/representatives or end-users abide by this Policy. Complaints about customers/representatives or end-users of an SaferHOST customer will be forwarded to the SaferHOST customer’s postmaster for action. If violations of the SaferHOST Acceptable Use Policy occur, SaferHOST reserves the right to terminate services with or take action to stop the offending customer from violating SaferHOST’s AUP as SaferHOST deems appropriate, without notice.
SMTP: Email Server (SMTP) No way to refunds. When We Provide Server You can check All is ok or Any issue Like Your Ip Blacklisted or Mail send Or Failed etc need mail or create ticket within 24 hours. But we Didn’t respond For Use Some Days.
IP: IP clean or Blacklisted it need to check from we follow
Copyright Infringement
Unauthorized storage, distribution or replication of copyrighted content is forbidden. All activities performed on SaferHOST services must comply with law and the laws of the country that you reside in.
Resource usage limits
A VPS or Virtual Private Server is a shared environment with users or other containers. This means that excessive CPU, network and I/O abuse will cause issues for other customers on the same node. We do not place hard limits on these resources, however common sense is expected. Any VPS abusing their resources may be shut down, rebooted or suspended without warning. DDoS attacks, flooding and port scanning are not allowed. Common sense is also expected, please do not do anything you would not feel comfortable using on your own internet connection.
Constant CPU usage should be kept below half the number of CPU cores in load. For example, if your VPS has 4 CPU cores, then your overall load should be kept below 2.00. This does not apply to short bursts.
Banned services
The following services are banned on our network: DDoS attacks, excessive port scanning, Botnets, TOR relays and exits (Please ASK first, we will more than likely say yes!), Illegal downloads/Piracy, Virtual currency mining, virtual currency clients (please ASK first), AtHome Software, IP spoofing, CrystalMines, HYIP websites, Booter/Stress websites, HitLeap or any traffice generation tools (Please ASK first). The program six stats is also not allowed, due to it’s high CPU and IO usage.
Refund Policy
For SMTP Email Server We won’t offer for Refunds Any Amount, But If Have any issue we will resolve it. And all other Service if have down Service and if We can’t Provide this Service this time we will full refunds.
We do not claim or guarantee the availability of backups, Take your backup all time from your side, or of our DDoS protection system. SLA credit or free service may be given in case of downtime or other disruptions, please ticket to request this.
Last Updated: 16.07.2017